Saturday, June 17, 2006

Rat or Robot?

Life never got so busy ever since coming to London in Feb 2005.......five days a week work at the bookmakers.....thanks to the World Cup Football...our tills never stop taking in and paying out bets....but 12 hours a day's work is taking its toll...I wake up, I eat, I get ready, I go to work, I work, I work, I work till 10 at night...I come back home...I eat...I sleep....I wake up....and it continues...nothing else happens in between....whatever minute happens is part of the regularity....the two days that are off in the week were supposed to be devoted to my dissertation...the last but most important piece of document left for my MBA....but I am not getting any time at all to be in the right frame of mind to sit down..concentrate and write up that thesis.....amidst all this....I have forgotten when I cooked last....I have made the local Chinese take away richer lately...the lady even knows very well by now that I only order the Singapore fried rice (very hot) (without pork) every night at around 10.20...just before they close..probably I am their last customer....I don't have any time to even shop groceries...forget about cooking....I can barely stand when I return...sometimes I wonder...if I have become a rat or a the mornings and in the evenings...when I see the Londoners rushing down the stairs to catch that tube....I feel like a tiny rat in a rat race....we all are rats running down the underground stairs to grab that bigger, tastier piece of cheese.....or have I become a robot? mechanic, programmed, predictable life....gradually devoid of small but meaningful we enter the sandwich if we only live for needs..not for feelings.....I don't know what I am now....probably I am a robotic rat...that sounds better....more specific I guess.8 minutes to midnight....enough time has been wasted on this...can't afford to be awake before 12.20 AM. Rat Robot signing off.zzzzzzzzzzzzz!



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