Friday, April 28, 2006

Lessons of London

1. The value of time is atleast £5.30 per hour.
2. Watching TV is a great waste of time, unless its current affairs/news.
3. Watching movies from time to time, which add value, are ok.
4. The streets of London are painfully narrow leading to disgusting traffic jams sometimes, yet nobody honks, when someone does, its usually to draw someone's attention, to swear at someone or when an accident occurs.
5. The unpredictability of English weather is attractive, you never get bored, you are always left wondering how the next minute is going to be, one moment its sunny, next moment its cloudy and raining, and you better be prepared for any consequences.
6. A sucker is born every minute in this world.
7. Acquaintances are many, friends are handful.
8. The more people you know, the better off you are, if you don't have good academic background, yet know someone influential, you can get a good job, if you have a good academic background but don't know the right person at the right place, its difficult...if you don't have are gone mate.
9. Pound is a very strong currency.
10. London is the greatest melting pot of the world, so many languages, so many colors of so very different people from all the corners of the world.
11. Everyone should spend some time in life out from the home realise what life has to broaden point of know people and to know oneself.
12. In the end of the day, you are alone....not lonely.
13. London is getting crowded...with EU people and with people like us.
14. Its a free country, you can live the life you want, pray, stray, study, tidy, work, screw, sleep, peep, gaze, booze, plan, moan, eat, meet, watch, match, cry, try, look, hook, cook, ponder, wonder, blunder, wander, spend, lend, mend, amend, laugh, bluff and the list continues...the limit of your being free is inversely proportional to your sense of responsibilities.full stop.
15. I was pickpocketed in the bus once, I was robbed at work at gunpoint, my friends were mugged at night...the darkness just below the candle...London no exception.
16. Its a good idea to judge people individually, their country of origin, race, religion do play a basic role, nevertheless, the final role is played by the person's personality only.
17. There you see well-mannered beggars in trains or next to ATM machines asking for change.
18. A group of teenage hoodie boys/girls are always a reason of concern.
19. Its good to be nice to nice people, and swear back at those who swear at you, and avoid eye contacts with drunks and gang of hoodies... color does not matter.

20. Our English is much better than that of the EU people.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello about lesson 8, its not true that you have to know somebody to get a job. Those cases are still exceptions. These days there are hundreds of applications for a post. For getting a job, probably the plan should be based on questions like why should the employer prefer you(do you have more experiences, skills) and if not now, then when(how many projects and works will it take to be more preferable to employer than others).


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