Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yes....today its about ABCDs and BBCDs....no its not going to be about learning the English alphabets...rather I just wanted to talk about the American Born Confused Desis and the British Born Confused Desis...simply speaking...after the 7/7 London bombings....when I came to know about the backgrounds of the bombers...what struck me most was the issue of identity crisis....when someone is born in a say...Bangladeshi family here in Britain...the parents try to raise the child according to their own cultural values...whereas when the child goes to school and mixes with local children...it tries to adapt to local values and norms...and all of which leads to confusion.....however I have met Bangladeshi/Indian families in Britain and have met their offsprings born and raised in this country..who are as knowledgable about the British culture as they are aware of the culture of their parents' homeland....its fortunate for them that they have been able to learn and live the best from both the cultures.....some unfortunate ones are the ones like the ABCDs or BBCDs....for example when they grow up ...they are probably ridiculed by local white boys as 'Pakis' or 'Brown Arse' etc...and as they are not white....their Britishness probably could always be under scrutiny...irrespective of their knowledge of the UK or the Midland accent they speak in....on the other hand..when they visit the country of origin of their parents....they are unwelcome by the natives as ABCDs and BBCDs...as they can hardly speak in the local language...let alone reading and writing it....the Queen's English is their only means of articulation which is an item of fun and teasing by the locals.....so amidst this identity crisis and the sense of 'not belonging to anywhere'.....where do they seek refuge? bingo.....no where else but under the banner of religion....its the religion which gives them an identity...which indoctrines them in the principle that your first and foremost identity is that you belong to such and such religion....rest are all mortal..and manmade...i.e. country..nationality..culture etc...so you should forget them....or even erase them...destroy them.. from your life..in order to establish 'your true identity'....your religious one.....and voila we have well-educated, western-born, suddenly-turned-religious youth who plants bombs in tubes and buses to kill the bunch of infidels....does not matter if they were his own countrymates or not...as long as they didn't follow the same ideals as he did...all of them are 'permitted' to be killed....I think this is how the confusion leads to destruction.



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