Wednesday, November 16, 2005

20 useless things about me and Siddharth

Well now that Sid baby has provided a framework to analyse oneself, I would use it as a model to look for matches and mismatches. Also Sid please let me know what 'tagging' is....I am familiar with near alikes i.e. lagging, nagging, dragging, sha***g..anyways...but as I am new in the blogsphere, please enlighten me about this 'tag' thingie. here we are...

1.Talking/writing about myself is most difficult.
--I agree with Sid, as everyday seems a new 'me'

2.Though change is the only constant, I wish somethings wouldn't change!
--I think so too, especially those memories with friends, when we were in school, no responsibilities, no tension, no expectations...only full time fun and part time studies!

3.It generally takes me time to open up to people and this period is getting longer and longer I think.
--I can get along pretty well....pretty fast....only if I want to.

4.Sometimes though things click instantly...these people then hold a special place...and the person who tagged me is a prime example of it.
--What is 'tagging'?

5.I like being around my friends, though I don't mind my own company either.
--Me too, there should be a room left in every relationship, so that everybody can breathe, not through other's throat, and there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

6.I don't like it when people make a mountain of a mole...
--Neither do I, I like to see logic and sequence in everything, which is not always possible I admit.

7.I like people with creative zeal...probably to make up for my own lack of it...
--Me too, I also like people with sense of humour and who can do witty conversations.

8.I seek answers to my questions in songs, books and the things around me.
--Me too...

9.I want to have a huge study, where I ll have thousands of books,cds/dvds/blu-rays (whatever) for me to dive into whenever I want to.
--What does Sid mean by 'blu-rays'? Is it some sort of blue ray coming out of one his huge collection of blue films or what? Anyways......but I am not into collecting things much, I don't collect anything...other than I believe the more tangible things I collect, the questions come to preserve it, to maintain it, to protect it, but there won't be any time to relish it is too short.

10.I like gadgets...and have been eyeing the Nokia N91 mobile for a long time...not scheduled to come till Q1-06 :(
--Not a great fan of gadgets, I like to eat more...haha....and travelling....

11.I am not religious but I like to think that there exists a higher authority, even though that doesn't make sense...good for the conscience I guess :).
--I agree religious neither.....but its worth attempting to think what's going on some where....

12.I am a "Centrist" with a social leaning...
--I think I am more of a 'reflectionist'....would love to hone my 'activist' skills.

13.At one time I wanted to take up politics...sometimes I still do...
--Me too...I dream of being the messenger of change and prosperity in the tiny, over-populated motherland of mine...I dream of that identity...which our fellow countrymen should be proud of...but after the heat subdues, I change my mind fearing to lose my life to a tiny piece of lead...or (on a popular terrorist demand)...splinters perhaps.

14.I like sports of all kind, except the "Golf" is different but I don't understand why people watch it...
--Me too....I like cricket, martial arts...and many other indoor, outdoor, closedoor games...haha....and i dont understand....and don't like to watch rugby, boxing, chess and golf.

15.If something catches my fancy...I just pursue it blindly, till I get a hang of it, but I have a short attention span...
--I don't pursue anything blindly in the fear of getting hurt in the process.... I have a short attention span too...

16.I procrastinate way too much....I wish I was more pro-active.
--I don't procrastinate things..I want to have everything and all the things...right now and right here !!!

17.I prefer nights over day. (now things are getting really random and
--I prefer days over nights....I only prefer to sleep at nights......I can't study at night, I don't want to involve in basic biological acts at night, I don't function at nights.....lets do it in sunshine babe! lol.

18.I want to play an instrument...
--I wonder what kind of instrument Sid Baby is inferring to...I think it must be musical....anyways...I also want to master atleast one instrument before I it guitar or that I can pass my time in hell well..and keep the other inmates happy.

19.Time travel fascinates me.
--I live in future too...I see things.

20.I love watching the stars at night, I had a telescope once and I plan to buy one again!
--Are you sure Sid that you watched 'stars' at night with your telescope? or could it be the 'stars' in your neighbourhood? However, I think I love to watch malls...etc.


NoviceProgrammer said...

Thanks for the nice

Now write 20 things purely abt urself!

Anonymous said...

lol.. hey shehzaad this was a good one..came to noe quite a few things abt u and ur Sid baby ;)

well as far as the tag goes.. ull hv to write 20 things abt urself i guess.. 20 totally random things!
a tag basically means u do a post on the same topic as the tagger has done..

Anonymous said...

well Shehzaad more and more damning information is getting exposed about Sid by the day. it calls for a hyderabadi tehelka, what do u say?

anyway, a tag is basically an order from one blogger to another to display his/her committment to having nothing better to do in life. like once i got a tag to write about all the books i have read. how embarassing can that be for a semi-illiterate person?

anyhow, i support sid and neha's demand abt 20 Original things.


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