Friday, November 11, 2005

Holloway Road Prison

There are two prisons in the Holloway Road area, where I live in London, one for female culprits...and one for male criminals....actually this area was once patrolled and controlled by gangsters and druglords, they still have left behind some traces here and there. Although I am not an inmate in any of those prisons, but the whole area has become a big open prison for me, its like a wild life we can roam around within a diameter but never can go beyond it....its been ages that life has become so mechanic...waking up, getting ready, having breakfast, buying FT on way to either 3 days of class and/or rest 4 days at work, coming online in the evenings, checking emails, reading prothom-alo..the bangla newspaper.... doing assignments....checking bank balance..and fretting how quick the hard earned money is disappearing...., going home, cooking or studying, sometimes praying and going to sleep and continue the same the next day....well..its not that I am complaining or something like that....its just a particular dominant characteristic of life these days..that is it....



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